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  • PwC Thailand’s 2024 Symposium

    Corporate Reporting Forum – Tuesday, 19 November 2024
    Maximising Shareholder Value – Wednesday, 20 November 2024
    Napalai Grand Ballroom, 1st Floor, Dusit Thani Bangkok

  • Please choose how many participants (1-20 persons)

    * Available selection of activities and hotels may be limited
  • Please confirm your consent for us to process your personal data *
    By submitting this form, I agree that my personal data (such as my name, surname, or other data, where necessary) may be collect, use, or disclose for marketing activities and explicitly consent to receive newsletters, industry insights, thought leadership, surveys, survey findings and publications, including invitations to events, seminars and conferences from PwC until such time as I state my wish to withdraw my consent or erase my personal data by processing the withdrawal process to PwC. For full details of how PwC processes your personal data and your rights as a data subject, including how to withdraw your consent, please read PwC’s Privacy Statement at https://www.pwc.com/th/en/privacy-statement.html.